Monday, March 23, 2009

Magic Ketchup

Some of you may know that we have been having a hard time getting Levi to eat lately. I was at my wits end until Saturday, when I discovered the secret. All you mommy's had been holding out on me you didn't share this very valuable tip. Well, I'm not that stingy. I'm sharing it now so that all those that go after me can save themselves some stress. What is this secret, magical answer to picky eaters?


That's right magical ketchup. Who knew that if you put a little of this wonderful stuff on their food kids will eat anything. I know your probably thinking, yes but ketchup is sugary and not very good for you. My answer to you is.... I don't care. That's right you heard me. The alternative is a son that only eats cottage cheese and applesauce, so Ketchup it is. Let his teeth rot if they must. Levi ate Chicken without complaint for the first time ever Saturday and I will not ignore this miracle. God has sent ketchup to me as the answer to a prayer. Who am I to question God. I will take this blessing and accept it with open arms. I am just so glad to be able to eat a meal without fighting over what Levi eats or to just let him eat three bites and be done.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. Who knew that one day Ketchup would answer my prayers.
Thanks for reading


Cindy said...

Sorry for holding out on you...another secret is ranch dressing...Rachel likes ranch and Haley likes ketchup...kind of funny what they like, but to get them to eat we do what we have to do! Congrats on your discovery!

Andrea Frederick said...

Too funny....ketchup isn't a MUST for my kids except meat. My sister, however; was ADDICTED...even her green beans. Glad you got something figured out...

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

hey, don't talk about me like that! and just for the record, Corin, although addicted as a child I don't like it much now--once in awhile but not a lot. so, let him eat it...he'll grow out of needing it on everything.

Amee Jones said...

My Adi is not a big eater, and she does not like ketchup. Or ranch Cindy. What is going to be magical for me?

Bree Shaw said...

so glad that you found your answer! braylon likes it all, bbq sauce, ketchup, you name it he loves it:)