Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm Just Sayin'

I'm no financial expert of anything but I don't really understand all this stimulus stuff. In my humble opinion, businesses that aren't doing well should be allowed to fail. Let them declare bankruptcy and restructure instead of propping them up with tax payer money. I understand that they are trying to avoid massive layoffs, but in a lot of cases layoffs happen anyway. It just seems to me that we are helping the wrong people. Trickle down economics doesn't work. If you want to help the working class then give them money or tax cuts. Don't give to corporations and then expect it to help the working class. They've given millions to banks expecting it to help those in danger of foreclosure. I just don't see that working.
They were talking this morning about what to do about these big bonuses companies that got government money are handing out. The companies say they have to pay out these retention bonuses to keep there people. Shouldn't these people just be happy to still have jobs, considering there working for companies that are barely staying afloat. Now the government wants to tax the bonuses or put restrictions on how big a bonus people can get. I'm Sorry, but we gave them money can't we say, yeah, either don't pay bonuses or give us make that 40 mil. back.
I'll get off my soap box now. I just feel like trying to control the economy is useless and expensive.
If you can explain this to me I'd love to hear from you. It may not sound like it, but I swear I'm open minded. Maybe just a little frustrated.
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

I don't understand all of that stuff either, but I do understand what you are saying...I bet those big businesses are still enjoyed all of their benefits....

Diane Melvin said...

I agree with you. Instead of giving the BIG companies millions just for them to pay to the top 10% of their companies they could do something else. I think they would have put heavier stipulations on the money to begin with.