Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random Ramblings

  1. On Granny: I have to say at the funeral I was sad but not for her death, for the lost opportunity to get to know her. When people spoke about her at the funeral I felt as if they were talking about a different person then the Granny I knew. It makes me sad that she was right here all this time and I didn't know her very well. I also think its amazing that she was 91 and the first thing everyone said when they found out she died was "What?". It's kind of funny the disbelief in there voices at the death of a 91 year old woman. I hope I can be that active up to the end of my life. She played cards Fri., went shopping Sat., had Church on Sun. I'm not that busy now let alone when I'm 91.
  2. Levi had his first haircut on Sat. He looks so grown up now. His hair looks thicker and more like an actual haircut, which I suppose is the point. I miss his little baby curls in the back. I feel like pretty soon he's going to move out and get a job.
  3. I've lost all hope of catching up at work. People just keep piling more on top of my mountain. So, I've decided to just wallow in being behind. I'm not even going to try and catch up. I'll just get further and further behind, then I'll just quite and get a new job and start getting behind there.
  4. You ever have a fight with someone and just start laughing in the middle of it because you realize how ridiculous you sound? This happens to me when Steve and I fight all the time. We fight about the dumbest things sometimes. This morning we had a fight about recycling until I realized how stupid I sound being mad about recycling. I was just curious if this ever happened to anybody else?

Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

jared and i fight over stupid stuff all the time. i dont' think about how stupid it is until later when we are still mad. it just goes along with marriage:) hope you get a lot done at work today.

Erin said...

We fight about stupid stuff too. Most of the time, I'm the one who looked like the idiot. We fought the over day over balancing the checkbook. He wanted to update it in Quiken and I wanted him to wait until I had updated the ledger instead of just going by the duplicates...I ended up throwing the checkbook at him if it tells you how dumb it was! Talk about being a foold.

Andrea Frederick said...

me...stupid fights? never! I understand about your Granny. Maybe it'll help you appreciate others around, I'm hoping it will help me build better relationships.