Thursday, February 12, 2009

Breaking up is hard to do

This morning on the radio they listed what VH1 an MTV thought were the Top 10 Breakup Songs. Well, I'm sorry VH1 and MTV but your list sucked. I didn't really like any of the songs and there were a couple on there that I had never even heard of. So this got me thinking and I decided to make my own list of breakup songs. I won't call it a top ten because I only put about 15 min. of thought into it and I could probably think of better ones if I tried. I'm going to call it:
10 Breakup Songs that are better then VH1 & MTV's Top Ten (Lengthy but accurate.) Oh, 11 I thought of one more.
  1. Irreplaceable - Beyonce. This is a great song for anyone who's been cheated on, very empowering.
  2. Take a Bow - Rihanna. Another song for those who have been cheated on or lied to.
  3. You'll Think of Me - Keith Urban. This ones on my play list. It's your typical whatever, you'll miss me later song.
  4. Call Me When Your Sober - Evanessence. This song is great for anyone who's ever been repeatedly drunk dialed. I had a boyfriend do that to me for years. It got old fast.
  5. Good Riddance - Green Day. I think this is a very mellow breakup song. You know, sort of a lets make the best of this and appreciate the time we had together.
  6. Hemorrhage - Fuel. The this is all your fault of breakup songs.
  7. I Wish it Would Rain - Temptations. This one is also on my play list. It's a song to cry to.
  8. Crying - Roy Orbison. On my play list. (apparently I like breakup songs.) Title kind of says it all.
  9. I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor. Everybody heard this song right? It's like a breakup anthem.
  10. Gives You Hell - All American Rejects. On my play list. I don't know why but this song makes me smile.
  11. Song for the Dumped - Ben Folds Five. This is my all time favorite breakup song. I really wanted to put it on my play list but it has the f word in it and I didn't want to get flagged for inappropriate material.

Okay, so, looking back at my list it's apparent that I like angry music. Not real sure what that says about me, probably best not to think about it to much. Hey, these songs are empowering too.

Please let me know if you think of anymore that I've forgotten.

Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

you're a step ahead of me...i can't ever remember the names of songs little alone who wrote them!

Andrea Frederick said...

Great list...I would not be able to think of 10 songs, let alone break up songs.

Anonymous said...

How about, "So What," by Pink. Have you heard that one?