Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm Still Here

Hi Everybody. Just thought I would poke my head out from under this mountain on top of me to tell everyone I'm still here. I'm so far behind it's not even funny, but as soon as I can see the top of my desk again I will blog more. I know you've all been so bored without me blog to read, Right? I just wanted to take a second and let you know I'm not sick or injured or otherwise incapacitated. Hope your all having a great week.
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

Here's to digging your way out of a mountain!

Bree Shaw said...

hope you get dug out soon. sorry to hear about your granny. i have kept your family in my prayers. happy diggin':)

Erin said...

Have fun! I just discovered the top to my desk today....I really wasn't sure it was still there! So sorry about Granny, Corin. She will be so dearly missed!