Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Sorry I'm slow I figured it was better to do my 25 things in shifts, otherwise it will never get done.
1. I have a BS in Communication Disorders and hope to never use it. I love the field but hated therapy. I cried every day before my clients arrived when I was a student clinician. I felt as if I was going to fail them and I couldn't handle the pressure.
2. I like math because it has a definite right and wrong answer. I never really liked essay questions because there isn’t a wrong answer. For my grade this was good for my life it drove me crazy not to know if my answer was THE right answer.
3. I hate open casket funerals. The people never look like themselves, and I find it very unsettling. I feel like there is a stranger’s body in the room. Very creepy.
4. When I was pregnant I made Steve drive me to town and search the stores for Biscotti one night. I don’t really know why but I had my heart set on having Biscotti. If you listen to Steve’s version of this story I yelled and screamed until he brought me to town. Truth is he didn’t take much convincing. Trips like this one are one of things I miss the most post baby. I liked being able to decided at 9:00 that I want to run for Ice Cream in my pajamas. We use to make little trips like this all the time.
5. My mom is one of my best friends. I so hope that I can have a friends relationship with my kids when they are adults.
More to come when I think of them.

1 comment:

Andrea Frederick said...

Just wait....your kids will get bigger and then you can do those spur of the moment things again!
I have to laugh at #1...often I was the person on the other end of the phone. I like essay questions...you can always defend your answer:) BS at it's finest!