Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blog Therapy

You people, I tell ya, you just can't let a girl be cranky. I was all set to be miserable and grouchy all day; and then I started reading my usual blogs. Let the therapy commence.

Keeping up with Jaxson had cute baby pictures. Well, I can't be mad looking at cute baby pictures.
Mother From Son Up to Son Down taught me to smile and the whole world smiles with you. Bree even very nicely left me a smiling comment.
Lucky Like Us... reminded me that I need to think positive and count all my many blessings. Also, yummy breakfast recipe I'd like to try.
And finally Box of Chocolates... helped me to see how much worse other people have it. Another friendly reminder to never take for granted all the things I have. Heat, water, safe place to sleep tonight.
So, thank you very much everyone for the therapy. After reading your blogs I was embarrassed and shame faced for complaining about my little cold. I know you didn't know you were doing it, but you really helped me today. Hopefully someday I can repay the favor. Have a wonderful blessed Tue. and I'll see you tomorrow.
Thanks for reading.


Erin said...

LOL Corin...sorry...sometimes we just can't leave well enough alone!!

Andrea Frederick said...

Glad I could put your world in perspective:)!

Bree Shaw said...

glad i could help you smile:) have a great night!