Wednesday, February 4, 2009


6. We eat much healthier since having Levi. It's a lot more important to me to eat fresh fruits and vegetables now then it use to be. I want Levi to like these things so I try and set a good example. Thankfully so far he loves fruits and veggies. Last night he had half a can of carrots by himself.
7. I thought that I had a realistic idea about motherhood, but it has been harder and more fun then I ever imagined.
8. When I try and be fashionable I always feel even more dorky. I feel like everyone knows that I have no idea what I'm doing.
9. I don't believe I can be hypnotised. I think you have to relax and relinquish control to be hypnotised and I would be thinking to much for that to happen.
10. I don't know what the code is to check the messages on my cell phone. So, don't leave me a message I won't get it.
11. Our dog is named Winnie after Winnie Cooper from the Wonder Years not Winnie the Pooh. It drives me a little crazy when people think differently. I don't want people thinking I named my dog after Winnie the Pooh.
12. My brother and I are exactly 3 years and 2 days apart. I always have to start with my age and do the math to figure out how old he is.
13. My husband has a gang sign with the guys from his ship. Ask him to show it to you next time you see him, it's pretty funny. (Sara if you read this ask Marc apparently he knows it too.)
14. Steve and I both went to Truman.....ten years apart. Him in 1988 me in 1998. We even had the same professor.
15. I wish there were more events as an adult that I got to get all dressed up for. I didn't appreciate prom when I was younger I think I would get more into it now.
16. I sometimes think about moving back to WA. If it weren't for being close to family we probably would.
17. I have a great title for a book but nothing to write a book about. So, if you want to write a book call me maybe we can work something out.
18. I randomly find bruises on my body and can't remember where I got them. I don't bruise easily so I must just run into stuff a lot and forget about it.
19. When I'm nervous my first natural reaction is to laugh. This is usually inappropriate and I know people must think I'm mean, insensitive, and weird but I can't help it.
20. I couldn't swallow aspirin until I was like a junior in high school. We were cheering at Memphis on a Saturday and I had the worst headache of my life, I finally forced myself to swallow them.
21. I got glasses in the 2nd grade. I was so excited about them until I wore them to school and got made fun of.
22. Flying makes me so nervous I literally get sick to my stomach. I have to take Pepto with me when we travel. Steve always promises me he will stay awake and talk to me through flights and then falls asleep 5 minutes after take off because he thinks flying is relaxing.
23. I was in remedial reading in 5th grade. I've always been in the slow reading class but actually had to go to special ed for a month in 5th grade. It became clear after a month that I could read I'm just really slow. Anytime in school that we had to read something to ourselves before going on, I would get so nervous and embarrassed because I knew I wouldn't have time to finish it.
24. I fell down the steps of the Lancaster Christian Church one Easter. It's my most embarrassing moment to date.
25. I want to learn to play the piano, just because someone once told me I had hands that looked like the hands of a piano player.
That's it, I did it. Hopefully you laughed, you cried, you thought wow Corin is really strange. Oh well, most of you already knew that.
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

how awesome! you are so funny. i am still working on my list in my head.

Andrea Frederick said...

6. You are awesome at eating healthy! I am envious!
14. I think it's really cool that you and Steve went to the same college. Especially since he's not even from MO.
15. I wholeheartedly agree. Sometimes I wish I was "those fancy people" who dress for supper. Then I wake up!
24. I remember your fall down the stairs everytime Emma is standing at the top of them!
Great list.

Angie said...

How fun to read! I am working on my list in my head and will do it when we get back from vacation.

Bree Shaw said...

braylon about fell down those steps sunday and last night! i thought of you when he about toppled down last night.