Friday, January 16, 2009

What's Your Name?

I thought this was fun, so, I thought I would share my new names? Feel free to address me by any of the following:
Rockstar Name: Scouter Vibe
Gangsta Name: Moose Tracks Monster
Detective Name: White Duck
Soap Opera Name: Nicole Centerville
Superhero Name: The Red Dew
Nascar Name: Bud Lloyd Roland
Witness Protection Name: Louise Kent
Spy Name: Christmas Daisy
Cartoon Name: Pineapple Fleecy
Rockstar Tour: The Knitting Snow Tour

Want to play? Go to Stretch Marks for directions on finding your new aliases.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I love the spy name, Christmas Daisy. It suits you!

Andrea Frederick said...

I saw that too, but didn't have time to play today!

Erin said...

You should know that Trenton & I had a ridiculously fun time doing was definitely a memory making!