Friday, January 16, 2009


What to say about Bunco?

Was it fun? Yes

Was it great company? Yes

Was there lots of inappropriate laughter? Yes

Was there a tiara? Yes

Did I loose miserably, but not miserably enough to win the Bobbie prize? Yes

Did I eat until I was sick? Yes

It's a little hard to blog about this because almost all the people who read my blog were there. And will most likely also be blogging about it.

So, I will say this: It was a great time. I think it will be even more fun next time when I don't have to concentrate so hard on the game. I've never felt so completely confused by dice dots in my whole life. I started to feel a little drunk from staring at the dice so much. Once the game comes a little easier I think that I'll be able to socialize more while playing. Don't get me wrong there was lots of gossip and hilarious stories but that was before, after, and in between playing. It became apparent to me last night just how bad I am at multi-tasking. I can't talk and play, I can't keep score and play (at least not very efficiently), I can't eat or drink and play, heck I can't even count and play. But it was fun and I'm looking forward to do it again.
If you weren't there and you would like to see pictures you can visit
Bree: our wonderful hostess at Mother From Son Up to Son Down
Andrea: co-founder of our little group at Box of Chocolates....
Jenn: maker of delicious cream cheese filled cupcakes at The Journey
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

oh corin you are so funny! you summed it up so well:)

Andrea Frederick said...

I haven't posted pictures b/c i couldn't get them off my camera and i was dealing with school or no school! I had fun too!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

well put, well put! sooo much fun; can't wait until next week!

Corin said...

Jenn- What's next week? Am I suppose to be somewhere? because I may have forgotten.

Bree Shaw said...

yeah jenn, what's next week?