Thursday, January 15, 2009


So, I'm kind of short on motivation today. I think it's the cold it's freezing my brain. Since I couldn't think of anything to blog about I thought I would ask you to do me a favor.
I love the music on my blog and listen to it almost everyday at work. Oh sure, some days I get bored with it, then I listen to other peoples. This morning for example I listened to Andrea's music and by the way "One Moment in Time" totally took me back to Jr. High graduation. Anyway on to the favor. Lately I haven't been able to get two songs in particular out of my head. I wanted to share them with you so, if you would please scroll all the way down to my music and listen to these two songs.
Love Song by Third Day
The Promise by Tracy Chapman
Please let me know what you think? I was going to put the lyrics up but I read them and felt that it really lost something not hearing it.
Thanks for reading and listening.


Bree Shaw said...

some people don't listen to others music. i for one listen to mine all the time. i love my music and it is way better than having to listen to commercials. so i will listen to it! not sure when, but i will. and when i do, i will tell you what i think! see ya tonight, whatcha bringin?

Andrea Frederick said...

I Love Love Song better than the The Promise, but liked them both of them. I love my blog music and also listen to other's sometimes to shake things up. My cousin Ang said she turns my blog on a lot to clean the house to. Mine is on all night, unless Vance gets to the computer and changes it to him. Do you know how many times I had to scroll back up to get the song short term memory is not so good! See you tonight!

Anonymous said...

Unequivocally, ideal answer