Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I love Vicki Howell she is hilarious and a constant source of knitting inspiration. I just read her blog and am now motivated to get back to finishing my knitting projects. This always happens to me I get so excited about projects that I finish what I'm working on so I can get started right away. Then I find in the middle of a project it isn't nearly as exciting and fun anymore. I get busy and the project sits in my knitting bag for months untouched. Then I see something else that I want to work on and I get all excited to finish so I can move on to the new thing. In an effort to motivate myself to get the three projects that sit unfinished at home done I'm going to find some new and exciting things to make once there done.

What do you think, to old ladyish?

This may be beyond my abilities, I'm not sure. I could probably manage, would take some extra cursing though.I just love the cables on this one it looks so warm. It's just begging to curl up with me and a good book on a cold day.

I don't know what it is about cables, I just love them. Probably just that it makes me feel all advanced to knit them. I might do this scarf or a cute little neck warmer that I couldn't find a picture of to share.

What do you guys think? Anybody need anything knitted that I can get excited about? Warning: It will be Several months before you see it, so nothing you need in the immediate future. I love making presents for people. They probably wish I wouldn't but makes me feel good anyway. Moral of this rambling story, I'm picking up that unfinished baby hat tonight and getting moving on it.

Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

You'll have to come knit when we scrap!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

get those needles clicking! love that blue blanket...looks so cozy!

Bree Shaw said...

the blanket is my fav too! i agree with andrea, bring your knitting stuff and do it while we scrap.