Monday, January 12, 2009

I Like the Ladies

Sometimes you just need a night out with the girls. I love my husband but I don't always understand him and I know he doesn't always understand me. It is surprising to me how early you can see the differences between boys and girls. Levi is only one and a half and I already see him do things that are all boy. He bangs things and pushes his trucks around in a way that I know I didn't as a kid, but I watched my brother do those same things. I love these differences and I love that he is all boy. My niece is only 10 months older then him and I see her look at him as if he's crazy. I recognize that look, it's the same one I find myself giving my husband when he attacks a problem or project from and angle that I just don't understand. While I love him and all those manly differences are the reason I feel in love with him, sometimes it's nice to go out with people who understand, who get me. I like going out with people who notice when my hair is different and who actually look at me before responding when I ask how I look. It's nice sometimes to talk to people who can remember after only one or two times where I'm going to be on Thur. night. People who understand that if I have to ask you first, you don't get credit for the compliment. So, Thank you ladies for a great night out and for understanding. I had a great time, good movie, fun conversation, who could ask for anything more. Lets do it again real soon. P.S. This is how I picture my knitting group if I can ever get it started. Doesn't It look like fun?
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

it was a lot of fun! i think we should do it more often. thanks for the suggestion on the movie and the restaurant. it was all great! see ya thursday!

Andrea Frederick said...

wow...I bet we would be that sexy too!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

jealous that i missed this one but glad you all had fun!

Anita J. said...

So well said! I would totally come to your knitting group! Let me know how the Bunco goes. Have a great time!