Thursday, December 11, 2008

Under Pressure

Yesterday I promised a thought provoking post now the pressure is on to deliver. There are lots of thoughts this has provoked in me. Why did I make such a promise? Why am I so shallow that I don't have deep thoughts to share? Am I alone here, is everyone else spouting off pearls of wisdom all day long? Does it really matter anyway, I mean almost everyone who reads this knows me and knows that I am not full of inspirational wisdom. I've read post on most of your blogs that bring tears to my eyes, why can't I come up with anything that will evoke such emotions? Now that I think of it I never said who's thoughts this post was going to provoke so this may work for me. Yeah, self reflection is always good. I'm fulfilling my promise just not in the way you (and I) expected. What do you people want from me I'm not Billy Graham you know?
Okay, deep breathe, your my friends and I love you all. It's been a rough couple of days at work. The only inspirational thing I can think of I'm going to have to steal. If you've been reading Black and White Collage then you've already seen this, if not then you should read it fun and interesting. Her latest post says:
If God brings you to it,
He'll bring you through it.
How's that for inspiration. I just loved it. Very profound I thought.
Today should be interesting my computer is working a little better, but still not right. Which makes things at work a little scary. Everything I try and do is like playing Lotto. Will it work or will it erase my computer. Cross your fingers and hope for the best. We have another meeting with a babysitter today. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick with the person we have lined up now but the more people I meet the better, in my opinion. Then we have a Parents As Teachers meeting. Yeah, gushing over how smart and cute my son is. I'm going to need that after today. Hope your all having a great day.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. I just spell checked this and had no misspellings that's a first for me. Maybe I'm getting smarter.

1 comment:

Andrea Frederick said...

I have a new niece to blog about, so nothing profound from me:)