Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Darling Clementines!

My computer's been on the fritz today so, I don't have time for my regular deep and insightful post. What, you don't think my post are insightful? I'm hurt. Anyway, moving on, I thought I would share one of my favorite winter fruits. Presenting the Clementine.
There like little miniature oranges. Only they are easier to peel and sweeter. I found out about them while I was pregnant and I've been hooked ever since. I don't like oranges because I think they are bitter but I wanted to eat healthy, these were a great solution. Now Levi loves them too. They only sell them in boxes of like 24 or so. I usually split them with my Mom and Dad, I've got my dad hooked on them too. I don't mean to insult your intelligence and assume that you haven't heard of them, but I had never heard of them before about 2 years ago and I feel they are way under loved. I mean you always hear about apples and oranges, but no one talks about the Clementine. If you haven't before you should give them a try. I promise I will try and think of something more inspirational and thought provoking for tomorrow. Until then...
Thanks for reading.

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