Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sad State/Congratulations!

What does it say about my life that I viewed my dentist appointment yesterday as a relaxing break from work. I'm not sure what it says, but I'm positive that it's not good. It was very nice to sit in the waiting room and not have anything I should be doing or working on. I kept closing my eyes in the chair which made the girl think she was hurting me when really I was just relaxing. Enjoying the chance to sit and not do anything. Steve said when he was in boot camp he had to have a root canal and he fell asleep in the dentist chair while they worked on him. So apparently: 1. I'm not the only one to view dentist appointments as a time to relax 2. My job is like boot camp, great.

Side note: Congratulation to Jenn! Welcome to the world of Mommyhood. You can look forward to more conversations about bowel movements then you ever thought you would have, feeling like you look pretty good at work only to discover you have spit up on you, cute gummy smiles that make you wonder if you really want them to get teeth, and very wet sloppy kisses that are really more like having your face licked then a kiss.
Congratulations to Mike! Welcome to the world of Daddyhood. You can look forward to saying things like: Stop licking the window, Don't put your fingers up daddy's nose, No honey, the dogie doesn't want you duck, and my personal favorite did you poop.
It's all well worth it. I'm sure you have already discovered that and your baby is only a few hours old. Scary to think that from here your just going to love them more everyday. Congratulations!!
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

love your post! very true about parenthood:)

Andrea Frederick said...

of course, i would rather have a baby than go to the dentist, so i think your sad!

Anita J. said...

I'm with you on the dentist thing. When my kids were tiny I LOVED being still for that long!