Friday, December 12, 2008

Alpha Blessings

Decided today I would try to letter my blessings, here goes:

A-Andrea and her entire family. I mean her entire family parents, sisters, aunts, kids, husband ... They have all played such a big role in my life I can't even begin to list all the blessings she is responsible for. Thanking her is impossible.

B-Baptism. One of the blessings Andrea's responsible for. Both the fact that I'm baptized and the way that I was baptized are a blessing.

C-Casey. All in all he's been a pretty good brother and I know I wouldn't be the same without him.

D-Day. I truly believe that every day is a gift. Some may not be as nice a gift as others and I may want to return some of them, but they're all gifts.

E-Extra Curriculars. (Here is where I had to start getting creative with the letters.) But I am thankful for Cheerleading, Knitting, Cross Stitch, Reading ... and a slue of other things that I think can be classified as extra curricular.

F-Family and Friends.

G-Grandparents. I have been lucky enough in my life to know all of my grandparents, I even got a couple of extras, as well as great grandparents and even one great great grandma. They have all been blessings.

H-Home. I love my house and that it feels like home.

I-IMO Christian Service Camp. Going here changed my life.

J-Job. While I don't have the best job and I complain about it a lot. I am blessed to work for very caring people and have a job that I like and feel I'm good at.

K-Kaitlyn. I love when she's being ornery, I just smile at her, because I know Casey is the one who has to deal with her.

L-Levi. I never thought I could love anybody that much. There is never a day that is so bad Levi doesn't make me smile.

M-Methodist Church. I have hope that this will be a church we can make a home.

N-Navy. The navy made my husband the man he is, I'll always be grateful for that. Also, being stationed in WA for the first four years of our marriage made it stronger.

O-Opinions. I feel blessed that I live somewhere that I can have and voice my opinions freely. and that I can choose not to listen to those opinions I disagree with.

P-Play. I feel blessed every time I get to play with my little boy.

Q-Quiet. Since becoming a parent I really understand the blessing in quiet moments to myself.

R-Russell (Dad). My dad is a quiet guy, but he as the best sense of humor. Things were never dull around our house with him as a father. I still get a thrill when I'm able to get him to laugh.

S-Steve. My wonderful husband has been a blessing in so many ways. I try to tell him but he'll never really know all the great things he has brought to my life.

T-Theresa (Mom). I still think my mom is super woman. She can do anything and she isn't ever put off by a challenge. It's a blessing to have a mom who knows what to do in every situation. Both of my parents gave Casey and I a fun and happy childhood. It's my goal every day to give to Levi what they gave to us.

U-University, Truman State. I really became myself in college and I made some friends that I know I'll have forever.

V-Vehicle, It's a blessing to have a car that is reliable and safe.

W-Winnie. I feel like God brought Winnie to us to be Levi's buddy. It's so fun to watch them together.

X-X (ten) modern day conveniences I think are blessings: computer, microwave, dishwasher, cell phone, refrigerator, stove, washing machine, radio, camera, and egg slicer.

Y-Y (and) Sara. Okay so I totally cheated on this one but I couldn't make this list and not include Sara and my S was taken. Sara is another person who has brought various blessings into my life. Most importantly she is responsible for my marriage.

Z-Z's. I'm at a point in my life where I am sleeping really well, it's mostly exhaustion, but I've always had trouble in this department so I consider it a blessing.

Wow, that was really hard. Had to get a little creative with some of those.
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

You're welcome and I'm blessed to have you too! Love the list...great idea!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

that was neat! thanks for sharing your blessings!

Bree Shaw said...

very creative! i like your idea:) isn't it great to have such good family and friends?