Monday, December 8, 2008

Church Shopping, Take 3

Well, it looks like the third time really may be the charm. Steve and I tried a new church this weekend that I think may be the one. I'm so excited. Let's just look at some of this wonderful churches strong points.
  1. It's a beautiful (old looking, I have no idea how old it actually is) stone building, with gorgeous stained glass windows and great oak double doors. I know this is superficial and unimportant but it gives me that great churchy feel.
  2. The people were very nice and friendly but not overbearing or to invasive. Levi instantly bonded with the woman sitting in front of us and every time she would turn around to pay attention he would start trying to grab her coat and saying hi, hi over and over.
  3. They seem to have a great children's program. We haven't actually sent Levi to Sunday School there yet but they did a little program on Sunday and it was very cute. And they actually have classes for kids Levi's age.
  4. They have great adult programs. One class that I think looks particularly interesting is looking at current headlines and using the bible to interpret and better understand them.
  5. Joy of Joys, they have a knitting ministry. They are actually meeting tomorrow night. I haven't decided weather I'm brave enough to go or not yet. Even if I wait awhile I love the idea of starting to go to knitting ministry. As you know, I have been looking for a knitting group this would fulfill that need as well has some spiritual ones.
  6. The message was very relevant and well delivered. Sometimes I find myself thinking what am I suppose to be getting out of this, but not here. At least not yet.
  7. The service included some elements similar to those in the Catholic Church service. Which makes Steve feel more at home since he grew up going to Catholic church.

Okay enough gushing about the church we will just have to keep going and see how it goes, but I'm very excited about this one. I feel like it's a little unfair to try new churches so close to Christmas, because they have great programs and are decorated all pretty. It may give me a false sense of what the church is really like, we'll just have to see.

On a side and very unrelated note, I just thought I would share a Levi funny. My son started stripping. As of Friday he has decided randomly to start taking his pants off. I think it's hilarious. It's especially funny to watch him try and work his pants off. It takes a while and he really concentrates on the process. He apparently likes a crowd too. He did it when my parents were over on Fri. night and then started doing it again when we were at Vance and Andrea's last night. I not sure where he picked up this little trick or how long it will last but for know I'm finding it very amusing. Of course I won't think it's nearly as funny when he's five and does it in front of his kindergarten class. But until then I'm going to keep on laughing.

Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

glad to hear you may have found a church. and of course the kintting group is important:) levi's funny is hilarious. i remember when my boys thought that was fun. enjoy it!

Andrea Frederick said...

i'm glad you found a church and your son is hilarious!