Thursday, December 4, 2008

Merry Christmas Y'all

I don't know why I felt I needed to add the Y'all, it just felt right. From our family to yours Merry Christmas.
Do you know how hard it is to coordinate a 16 month old and a dog? This was the best we could do. That's why Levi looks slightly pained in the picture. You may not be able to tell but Winnie is terrified in the picture because; 1. she is scared of the camera. (See how she's eyeing it as if it's about to attack.) 2. I had threatened to beat her. Aw memories.

We tried to get a sweet picture of Levi by himself to add to our Christmas cards. We were very unsuccessful but I thought this one was cute, you just can't see his face very good.

Merry Christmas!

Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

You have some good friends that would be happy to take your pic for you. I am very impressed that you can get Levi and Whinnie all together before the timer goes off! Great picture!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I still think its cute, even with the wary look from the two younger ones! And the one of Levi by himself is sweet...
I'm getting nervous b/c I usually have my cards all done by Thanksgiving but I figured people would be upset if we did one without the baby so I'm waiting (and apparently waiting & waiting!)...
Hopefully soon...

Bree Shaw said...

good pics.

Anita J. said...

I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me. It's a good pic even with the pained face and frightened dog!