Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcome Christmas!

That's right folks Christmas has come here to Out of my Mind. Why? Because I like Christmas and am ready to start celebrating. I know what your thinking, What about Thanksgiving? Well, I really enjoy Thanksgiving too. But I look at it as more of a part of the road to Christmas. I'm Thankful for lots of things, my husband, my cute baby, and that it's Christmas time. I start celebrating, well in January really, but mostly in July. I buy ornaments as soon as they come out at Hallmark and I sneak in listening to Christmas music whenever I can. Luckily for me my boss (Peggy) is a kindred spirit in the love of Christmas she starts playing Christmas music in July and gets very excited for QVC's Christmas in July sale. I really do wish everyday was Christmas.
I've held off as long as I could,now its time to breakout the Christmas decorations and start the party. I've already started putting up the decorations in my house. I'm doing it slowly trying to get Steve use to the idea that we are decorating. Every year he tries to delay the inevitable decorating frenzy. I'm hopping to get the tree up this weekend, to do that I need his help. (I love you honey, your so manly and handsome.) I do try and contain my decorating, so not to be too obnoxious. I keep my decorations in the house until after Thanksgiving. On that note that brings me to my poll. I am just curious what you think. White or Multi-color lights on the house? Please vote and let your opinion be known. The poll is open until Nov. 28, the day after Thanksgiving, because the 29th I will be forcing Steve out into the cold to crawl on the roof and string lights. Happy Holidays everybody.
Thanks for reading.


Cindy said...

Intermix the white and colored, outline the house with white and then add colored below with some greenery (SP?) too....just a thought!

Andrea Frederick said...

ha ha, poor steve and the lights! vance has to hang lights this year too, b/c we have GUTTERS! YAY...I can not believe you are putting up your tree, that should be fun with Levi. Happy Decorating!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

yay! if you're putting up your tree then i have an excuse to do mine to...i've just been waiting for someone else to so my husband won't think i'm so nutty. i'm afraid if i wait too long then i won't get it up b/c of the baby & stuff...so this weekend i can!

Anonymous said...

Definitely colored!!

Bree Shaw said...

i like white! i always try to pick a good day way before xmas for jared to put the lights on the house (and he loves it). but we didn't take them down last year so now all he has to do is plug them in and fix the ones that blew up on the house and HOPEFULLY they will work or else he will be getting back up there, cussing the whole time:)