Monday, November 10, 2008


So, we had a pretty good weekend. I helped Vance and Andrea on Saturday. Then we went out with my parents and Casey and Paula to celebrate our anniversaries. 6 years for Steve and I and 3 years for Casey and Paula. We came back to the house and played Outburst for a while. I love playing games. We should really have people over and do it more often. Maybe we'll get around to that in these cold winter months, when there isn't much else to do.
Anyway, the exciting part of this weekend was Sunday. Steve, my lovely, wonderful, handsome, husband, spent most of the day installing 54 glorious square feet of track shelving in our laundry room. Yeah!! I love them so much. I pulled things out of the other closets that had been buried since we moved in and organized them all nice and neatly. Now every time I walk in there I'm just so happy to see my shelves. Not only did it add a bunch of storage now all my closets seem bigger to because they are de-cluttered and organized. Okay enough gushing about my shelves. Thank you Steve.
Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

i understand the excitement. i love organization! yay you!

Andrea Frederick said...

YAY for shelves. everytime i open one of my new closets, i get giddy. weird i know!

Andrea Frederick said...

Look at you and your awesome blog...good job!

Hallie @ Moxie Wife said...

I'm drooling just from imagining your new shelves in my mind! LOL!