Thursday, November 13, 2008


We had our Parents As Teachers meeting last night. I just love them. Some lady spends an hour marveling at my son and telling me how smart and cute he is, who wouldn't enjoy that? Levi loves it too. Here is this person who's soul purpose is to play with him and she has brought along new and interesting toys. Seriously though, I do think that it is a good program. I personally like having someone with a little training telling me that my baby is meeting his developmental goals and if he's not. Also, they have great ideas for ways to play with your kids to help them meet those goals. I'm pretty sure that they gush so much about the kids because they figure a little flattery will keep people coming back. Works for me, I'm not above bribery. Somehow when they are at your house you believe that your child is special and they aren't saying the exact same thing to all the other parents too. I mean of course my son is smarter and more handsome than anyone else's, isn't that common knowledge. (Present company excluded, of course. All of your kids are the cutest and smartest too. Aren't we lucky to be raising such beautiful geniuses.)
Thanks for reading


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

We love our PAT lady, too. We're doing the Scotland Co program and she works at the school. She already tells me how lovely I look and how I'm doing a good job taking care of myself...can't wait until she gets to gush over my baby and make me feel like a top notch mama!

Andrea Frederick said...

of course our children are abnormaly gifted! levi can growl like a lion and NOT all kids can do that! i'm glad you have a good program. our's is growing.