Friday, November 14, 2008


I couldn't think of a darn thing to blog about today. So, I thought that I would share one of my favorite holiday recipes. It's really easy to make and very yummy.
When I worked at Hallmark my boss got the genius idea that we should have a fudge contest. I was opposed to the idea because I had never made fudge before. Okay there was one time Andrea and I tried to make fudge in the microwave and it was a gooey disaster, but I don't really think that counts. Anyway she forced us all to participate so I went to my friend google for help. I searched for fudge you made in the microwave in 5 minutes b/c I wasn't really into putting a lot of effort into this project. This is what I came up with it and it was delicious. I got second in the contest. I think that I would have won except for two things. 1. I ran out of fudge by like noon. 2. The winning fudge had alcohol in it, that's just cheating. Anyway here it is, make double batch it'll go fast.


I got this recipe from Just a little plug for them, I love because they have great recipes with easy to follow directions and a rating system.
This fudge taste like Snickers bar, it's so good. I usually make at least 4 batches every Christmas season. It really only takes like 10 minutes to make. I would suggest lining the pan with aluminum foil and spraying that with cooking spray.
Have a good weekend everybody. If you need me I'll be decorating my tree and trying to convince Steve it's a good idea. Maybe I'll make him the fudge that should perk him up a little.
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

yum..this may become my new comfort food!