Monday, November 17, 2008

All Decked Out!

Saturday was the perfect day to decorate. It was cold, It was snowing, my baby took two good naps, I baked cookie bars. It was a wonderful and festive day.

Levi helped set up the tree. His new favorite hiding place is in that corner behind the tree. There is a button to turn the tree lights off and on, it's suppose to be so you can just step on it, but Levi loves it b/c he can actually push it and make it work.
Here is Levi playing with his favorite ornament. It's a little radio and you can tune it to different stations. Again lights and sounds, that's all Levi cares about. Sorry Andrea no discovery toys for this boy, he wants music, lights, action. Such a high tech baby. (That's not entirely true, he also really loves all car and tractor toys, and he makes the noises himself.)

Just so everyone has a point of reference I thought I would add a picture of Levi from last year, when we put up the tree.
Isn't he little. He seems like such a big boy to me now anyway, but when you compare him to a year ago it's amazing how much he's grown.
Here is the finished product. I love our tree it's so pretty. On the left you can kind of see my nativity on the shelf. It's a Jim Shore nativity It is so nice, I just love it. It was one of my prize purchases from working at Hallmark.
Since I forgot to take a picture of the nativity I found this picture of it online, so you could see how awsome it is.
Just a parting shot. Look at those teeth shinning. It has nothing to do with my Christmas decorating, I just thought it was a cute picture.

Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

BEAUTIFUL! Wasn't Saturday the best day to put up a tree? It was crisp and snowy outside and warm and cozy inside!

Corin said...

Yep! I was giddy all day. I still get ridiculously happy when I walk in and see the tree all set up and ready to go. Now I just need to get some presents under there.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I actually have some bought already that I need to wrap but I keep telling myself if I wait until I'm not pregnant it'll be easier to waller around on the floor!