Friday, October 17, 2008

I guess I'm It.

I've been tagged by Twin Brooks Mosaics. I don't know this lady but I read her 7 odd facts and think we have some things in common.

Here are the rules to enjoy the fun:

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.

4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Okay here are my 7 facts. I'm pretty boring but I'll try and find something weird.

1. I am 28 and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. This is one of the things that I had in common with the person who tagged me.

2. I love the "Princess Diary" books. It's embarassing because they are for teens but they are fun to read and they go really fast.

3. I get really into holidays, pretty well all of them. I just love celebrating, breaking up the munotany (sp) of everyday life. Last weekend I put all my Halloween decorations up and I was so excited about it. I'm still kind of on a high from it.

4. I'm glad that Steve and I's original wedding plans fell through and we had to plan the whole thing in a week . I thought it turned out perfect. I wasn't really looking forward to a big wedding.

5. I like something from every genre of music, country, rap, classical, pop, you name it and I can find something I like. My big requirement is that I can understand the words.

6. I found out this morning that I am 3 degrees of seperation from Debra Messing. I was so excited I had to immediately call Steve and tell him.

7. I can't play sports to save my life. I'm the least athletic person ever. I just don't have the cordination. I enjoy sports except no one ever wants me on their team, so I always feel like a big loser.

That was really difficult. I hope those were interesting enough.

On to the links.

1. Andrea: one of my best friends since 7th grade or so. She is funny and always entertaining.

2. Jenn: Andrea's sister and there for sort of my sudo-sister, or at least I like to think so. She is also funny and always has a very positive outlook on life.

3. Pioneer Woman: I don't know her but I just love her blog. I doubt she will continue this but it doesn't matter. Her blog is hillarious and has cooking, photography and other fun stuff.

4. Cake Wrecks: This blog is dedicated to professional cake disasters. I know I've been saying it alot but its really funny. The pictures are funny enough but if you read it, it's even better. This blog is actually up for the best blog humor award.

5. Betty Beguiles: I just started reading this blog. It's well written and I really like the concepts she focuses on, modesty, vintage style ...

6. The Fairy Godknitter: A knitting blog that also has a fair share of humor.

7. Fancie Pants Knits: Another knitting blog, with great patterns.

I don't know very many of these people personally because well I just started blogging five days ago. But they all seem very interesting so broaden your horizons and check them out. If I do know you personally and I didn't tag you it's because I found out about your blog from someone else and wanted them to be able to tag you if they wanted, except Jenn and I just had to steal her. Sorry Andrea, please forgive me.

Thanks for reading.

p.s. I'm cheating I'm not going to tag Fairy Godknitter, because of her most recent post I believe she has bigger things on her plate. But check her out anyway, still a great blog.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

you are too funny & will always be my sudo-sister!

amanda said...

thanks for tagging me! I will think of some good facts that I haven't shared before.