Thursday, October 16, 2008

Designated Voter

I have no Idea who to vote for. It's 19 days before the election and I can not make a decision. HELP! I agree with each canidate on some issues and disagree strongly on others. And who knows how much of what they say is even true. I'm at a loss. I've watched all the debates, okay so I talked to Andrea through most of the one last night, but they just said the same things over again. I've researched, done my homework and feel I am a very informed voter. Knowledge isn't power in this case, the more I know the more confused I get. They say if you don't vote you can't complain and I have a feeling I'm going to want to complain. So, please, if you have an opinion let me know what it is. You can comment anonymously if you like, I just need some direction here. Why are you voting for your choosen canidate? I may just have to hold two pictures up and let Levi pick.

Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

one major defining line for me is abortion... i get really confused when they talk about policy after policy but the family research council ( has a free download that is a voters guide that really made the issues black and white. hope that helps!

Andrea Frederick said...

I have an opinion on Democrats vs. Republican. I think "as a whole", no one in particular, Republicans have make better moral decisions, but don't necessarily have good money sense. Democrats have better money sense, but don't walk the high moral ground. Just my opinion...I don't know how I'm going to vote either!

Andrea Frederick said...

i know i made a grammatical error, but don't want to delete it!

Hallie @ Moxie Wife said...

I'm not thrilled with either candidate either though the life issue trumps all the rest for me so McCain has my vote. Nice to "meet" you! :)

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

McCain gets my vote simply because I believe his and Palin's moral standings are better than Obama's as well as their sense of 'country.' I can't say that I won't regret that we'll again be in the poor house but money means less to me I guess than other issues. You're right..its a pretty crummy pool to pick from.