Friday, April 3, 2009


I'm so excited I joined Ravelry today. Ravelry is an online knitting service where you can keep track of your projects, yarn, needles. There are free patterns you can add to your wish list and lots of groups where you can ask questions. I've already joined two groups for Mid Missouri knitters and two for beginning knitters. I've been playing with it all morning. I'm a sucker for organization so I just love having everything right there in one place to look at. They have this great feature where you can put in yarns that you have on hand and look up what projects use that yarn. Well, I'm off to go play some more.
I know most of you aren't knitters but if anyone is interested in joining, go to:
You have to request an invitation. It's not exclusive or anything they are just new and the server can only handle 1000 new people a day so you have to give them your e-mail and then they send you a e-mail when it's your day to sign up.
Thanks for reading.