Monday, April 6, 2009

My Little Helper??

Levi is such a big help around the house he really likes to get involved in house work.

Here he is helping with the laundry:

Yeah I had already folded all those clothes and then Levi decided he would help me put them away. His methods are a little unconventional I'll admit but who can argue with that face?

Then he decided to help me make his bed.

He's just working the mattress over a little before I put the sheets on. You know keeps it comfy. His future's so bright he's gotta wear shades. Sweetie that he is, he decided he'd play me some music while I worked. I tell ya, I bet you all wished you had a little helper like mine.

Thanks for reading.


Amy said...

He is just too cute! Everyone needs a personal helper like that. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy!!!

Bree Shaw said...

what a sweetie! glad you have such a big helper around the house:)

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

he is just so dang cute! love the grin! (& the shades!)

Andrea Frederick said...

those little guys...they are big helpers!

Erin said...
