Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Do I seem a little distracted lately? That would be because I'm obsessed with ravelry. I've been adding patterns to my wish list and joining groups and organizing my yarn. I've got so many patterns on my wish list I'll be 50 before I finish them all. I knit like crazy on the scarf I have at home so that I can move on to my next project. I'm motivated, I'm ambitious. I put things of my wish list that I don't currently have the skills to make. I make plans to knit things for people when the realistic side of me knows I'm to slow to complete in a timely manner. I've been searching for baby blankets to make for a friend who isn't even pregnant yet. I figure maybe if I start soon I can complete it before her baby's a teenager. I've got a scarf for Levi on my list, It's a toddler scarf so ideally it will be finished while he's a toddler. Several of your children have gifts coming to them in the next 10 years.
I don't know why I've decided that I need to knit gifts for everyone. I've been given the advice before not to knit gifts, but I just can't help myself. I see these things and I think about how cute so and so would look in them. I've only been on Ravelry for about 5 days and already I feel like I need to join some sort of support group.
I realize none of you are knitters and so this is probably really boring to you, but it's why I can't focus on other more interesting things.
Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

not boring...i'm laughing at your expense. we LOVE the orange set you gave us...good luck getting everything completed!!
(i like to make things for others, too...i just pick things that don't involve too much thinking or time)

Bree Shaw said...

even though i am not a knitter i am getting a kick out of you:) hope you make big progress on all of your projects!

Andrea Frederick said...

i think your funny! and can't wait to see what my knitted present is. i'm getting one right? i'd better be! just kidding...good luck and like i always say, come knit while we scrap, we would love the company!