Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bree's Right....TWINS

We weren't quite ready to tell everyone the other night at Bunco, but Bree's dream was right.

Steve and I are having Twins. We are due in Oct. and very excited.

Just Kidding. Hopefully this is as close to twins as we ever get.

They look like twins don't they?

So, did anyone believe me? It's sad but I've been planning that since that night at Bunco. Happy April Fools Day.

Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

had you not done it on april fools day i might have believed you. very funny~ have a great april fools day:)

Andrea Frederick said...

I was about to blow my top about reading about it on your blog and then i scrolled down! were about to get it! Hee Hee

Diane Melvin said...

You fooled me!!! Little stinker.

Bree Shaw said...

i have came back and looked at this twice and just actually laughed out loud both times. you just crack me up!

Cindy said...

Good one....had me going until I scrolled down to leave a comment....

Erin said...

Okay, you had me too. I was thinking why didn't you say something when I saw you last. .boo, you suck :)

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Okay, I forgot it was April Fool's Day, so my heart is still in my throat a little. You poohead...I better not find out you're pregnant on a blog least through Andrea!

Good going!