Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Christian Heart

I'm fired up this morning, so if you don't want to here it I suggest you hit that little red x in the corner now. Go ahead I'll wait.

If your still here buckle up, I'm opinionated and a little mad. I'm really tired of people who tell me how glorious and faithful of Christians they are but then act in completely un-Christian ways. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I'm a perfect Christian. I'm far from it and I know that. I can't quote scripture, I don't go to church as often as I should and I am seriously lacking in my biblical story knowledge. But I also have not anointed myself the Christian example that others should follow.
To me it seems like these people have Christian heads but not so much Christian hearts. It's like trying to get rid of an accent, when your thinking about it you are able to hide the accent but when your emotional or relaxed you slip back into the accent. These people say (and I believe think) they are model Christians but when they get emotional, feel threatened or are with people they feel they can relax around they slip back into some very pagan behavior. They judge, they curse, they wish ill will to those who believe differently from them. Worst of all they do some of these things in God's name. I know no one is perfect and that we all slip up and do these things some times. I can't say that I've never done these things. The part of it that really gets under my skin is the judgement. The telling me that I'm not a good enough Christian for whatever reason. I can't stand someone telling me how much better then me they are especially when I've seen them do things that speak to the contrary.
I try to have a Christian heart. I try to love those who I disagree with, (Quite honestly I find this a lot easier in the general then in the specific) but I try and keep that love in mind when I'm expressing my opinions. I think about what is the right Christian thing to do when I make decisions. I leave judgements to God, who knows circumstances and peoples hearts better then I. I may fail, in fact I often do but I try and I'll keep trying isn't that the important part. For people to shut down and tell themselves that they know everything and have grown all they can is so short sighted. I suppose I should feel bad for them and maybe I will, once frustration subsides.
Thank you for listening to my rant and (I hope) not judging me for it.
Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...


Bree Shaw said...

i totally am with you! by far i am not the best christian. i am trying to be a better christian, but have a lot of work to do. i get really tired of the people that think they are the best christian in turn they do the same things i do, but still thihk that they are being the best. it was a great post and so glad you got it off your chest.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Love it...well said. Thanks for speaking your heart!