Monday, March 30, 2009

Pillow Wrestling

I finished. I've been working on this off and on since I was pregnant and I finally got it done. Considering all the time I spent on it I wish it was more impressive.

It started out as a blanket. Then I gave up on that idea because it was taking soooooo long. I figured by the time I got it done as a baby blanket Levi would be to big to use it. Everything in life is a learning experience. I learned that if I'm going to make a blanket I need to use a thicker yarn and bigger needles for now. But this is a very cute and soft pillow for Levi. I tried to get a picture of him resting his head on it. No such luck. These were the best I got:Since he wasn't really sleepy when I was trying to take pictures, it was more like pillow wrestling.This one I think is particularly cute.

See what you could do if we had a knitting group. You too could take almost two years to make a pillow. Doesn't that sound like fun?

Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I love it! I love that yarn? Is it the same that Natalee's hat and booties are in? It's so soft and cozy! Good job!

Corin said...

It is the same as her hat and booties are in.

Bree Shaw said...

looks like he is having fun with it:) you did a great job even though it took you two years!

Erin said...

I think it looks fantastic, regardless of how much time it took!