Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Friend the Internet

I feel like I am a very 21st Century mom. When I am frustrated, have questions about what is normal for a child ___ age, or have health issues, I often bounce things off Andrea and my mom. They are my sounding board for all parental issues. Sometimes, I'm embarrassed about my lack of knowledge or how bad things really are. When that is the case I always turn to the Internet. (I know that there is a lot of wrong or misleading information out there, I feel like I'm smart enough to sort that out.) I love being able to find information that eases my fears and answers my questions without having to explain myself or my situation. I did this just this morning and feel much better about our situation and have some new ideas to try. I was just curious if anyone else does this? I honestly don't know what I would do without it. I've tried asking our pediatrician about some of these things and she generally gives me a generic very PC answer, which I find frustrating. Same thing goes for asking friends and family, my mom is never going to tell me to use tough love on Levi because she thinks he can do no wrong. Am I alone or does everyone do this?
Thanks for reading.


Andrea Frederick said...

I don't do this, but often think about doing it...does that count?

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I also have a degree in google. When Natalee was doing the milk allergy thing & the nurse pract. told me I was nuts, I googled it. I google everything from appropriate behaviors at such & such an age to what foods we should be thinking about introducing. Like you said...not everything is accurate but we're smart enough to sort that out. I love that other people share their ideas & stories so that we don't feel so alone!

Bree Shaw said...

i don't. i tend to just ask friends or family.

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with Jenn. I have a degree in Google as well. I use it so much that it is my homepage on everyone of my computers. Do not know what I would do with out. I am not always that big on asking others for help.