Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pardon my Gloatting

I know that it's wrong to gloat.
But I don't think that's going to stop me.
We played Bunco last night and the winner was..........


That's right those new shirts were lucky for me. I've now earned enough money at Bunco to pay for 8 months of Bunco.
I know your probably thinking this is a very unattractive side of me, but I can't help it. I never win things. This will be my only chance to enjoy it. I'm sure the only reason I won last night was because Erin was gone. She'll be back next month and I'll be back to my losing ways. Until then I get to be the reigning winner.
I consumed what I was sure was going to be a fatal amount of green food dye. Everything was delicious. You know even if we didn't play Bunco I would still enjoy the getting to try new recipes part. It's fun to see what everyone will come up with to go with the themes. Next month is my hosting month and I can't wait.
Thanks for reading and putting up with my gloating.


Diane Melvin said...
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Finding Joy in the Journey said...

go you! you did have a LOT of wins. might I add that I was SECOND! we need to devise a plan to take out that Bree Shaw...she's won something every time! enjoy the glory and the spending money!

Andrea Frederick said...

everyone's entitled to a little boasting. good job! and i agree about bree....

Bree Shaw said...

ok, guys!!!! it isn't like i don't read this:)

i was telling jared last night that i have won $60!! count it.... SIXTY DOLLARS!!

so i will be able to play on that for the next 9 months!

it is a lot of fun and great food. glad you won corin and jenn. i will try to hold back next month and let someone else win.