Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's a Brand New Day

No it's not a Cialis commercial.
The sun is shining and so is my boy. Levi seems to be feeling so much better today. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me. Steve is taking him to the doctor for a check up this morning, but I'm sure they are going to say he's on the mend.
Isn't this the great thing about life. No matter how bad of a day you have, you get to start a new in the morning. I have never been a night person. Things always seem sadder more depressing to me in the dark. That morning light that's where it's at for me. It's true. Everything looks better in the morning light.
Hope everyone is having a fun fabulous morning.
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

glad your having a better day, and levi too:)

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

so glad everyone is on the up and up in your house! my cold is clearing up this morning, too, and i'm feeling not so down about life! have a great day!!!

Andrea Frederick said...

I'm glad things are looking up! Hope it's an omen for your weekend!

Anita J. said...

I am glad Levi is doing better! Glad you are feeling better too. And thanks for a look at morning through the eyes of a morning person. You guys fascinate me. :)