Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Guilty Business

This being a mom thing is guilty business. I took Levi to the doctor yesterday and found out he has some sort of respiratory infection. I was immediately racked with guilt for not taking him to the doctor sooner. I thought he just had a bad cold. I feel bad that he doesn't feel well and there isn't anything I can do for him. I feel bad that I have to hold him down to get him to take his medicine. I'm a terrible mother I must have taken him out in the cold to much or exposed him to this illness in some way. I feel guilty about missing work, and then feel guilty for thinking of work when my baby is sick. It's a vicious cycle I get sucked into.
I tend to get very down when one of us is sick. I feel like things are never going to return to normal we will always be dealing with this. I'm trying to think optimistically but I can't help but be very bummed out. Levi who can always make me smile no matter how bad things are, doesn't want to play and be his happy self right now so I can't even get a smile out of him. I need nice weather or Ice Cream something to get up about. I was suppose to have a friend coming this weekend, but now I'm afraid she will have to reschedule. I've been watching Gilmore Girls which usually cheers me up but I'm in the middle of some very down episodes. I'm going to have to start playing tricks on Steve or something for a laugh.
Thanks for reading.
Sorry for being a downer.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

being a mommy is tricky stuff, but rest assured that you ARE a great mommy. don't feel guilty for missing'll be there another day. and there's just about no way you could have kept him from getting sick...everyone has it--even home school kids or children of stay-at-home moms get sick so don't always blame yourself--you can't make him a hermit for 4 months out of the year (well, you could, but would you want to?). as with all things, "this too shall pass". just keep looking forward.....

love ya!

Andrea Frederick said...

Oh my, I think we need to go cry into our beer together! I'm in the same boat only differently. Hang in there and call if you need to talk! Love you....

Amy said...

Oh, the poor little guy. As for feeling guilty for not realizing exactly what he had, that makes you human, not a bad mother. Hang in there, it's got to get better soon!

Erin said...

hey. .as the visiting friend, please don't worry about anything! You are a fabulous mother and kids get sick all the time and who ever knows if is more than just a cold? You made the best decision. I say we postpone this weekend so you guys can recover and I will come up next month. I am coming at some point, so really , don't worry about that. I don't need any convincing.

Anita J. said...

The guilt is completely normal, and it doesn't mean you're a bad mommy. I think it means you're a good mommy. It is natural to ask yourself what you could have done differently when you care so much. It is good you stayed home with him. Work won't remember you being out this day in ten years (unless they look at an archived file). You're missing a day of an important job for one that has a lifetime of significance for Levi. He will always want his Mommy when he's sick because of the love you are giving him.

Bree Shaw said...

i agree with what everyone wrote! if work doesn't understand why you are gone, then you don't want to work there anyway! the work will always be there when you get back. your family is more important. you are a great mommy so don't get yourself down! hope things start getting brighter soon. BUNCO is in 5 days!!! that should make you smile! AND i have your BRIGHT PINK BUNCO shirt!!love ya!