Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bring on the Praise

We have a PAT meeting tonight and I can't wait. We've had a rough couple of weeks with Levi and I'm so ready to hear someone gush over how cute and smart he is. I love when they tell me that his spinning around in circles indicates that he has hidden musical abilities. Or that he is advanced because he knows how to blow his nose. What a wonderful organization to encourage parents and kids. They say things like he's doing so well with his consonants, if you wanted to help him along with that you could (insert simple activity here).
Hope everyone's having a great day. And hey all your kids seem super smart to me.
Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

You crack me up! Enjoy the meeting and the praise! (do they ever tell you how cute he is or comment on that naughtier than dirt smile he has?)

Bree Shaw said...

hope the meeting goes well.

Diane Melvin said...

I need to attend that meeting. We had a meeting like that with one lady from the Health Department in Lancaster and then they never came around again. Maybe we scared them off!!

Andrea Frederick said...

have fun!