Friday, February 13, 2009

Strong Genes

We looked at a lot of pictures this past weekend and I noticed something. I wanted to share and see if anyone else sees it or if I'm just crazy.
My Dad (Russell), Debbie and Rhoda

Casey and Me
Do you see it?
Debbie, Dad, and Rhoda

Casey and Me

And Levi

I think those Lancaster's have some strong genes. I didn't have any better pictures on my computer, but I swear some of my baby pictures you'd think it was Levi dressed as a girl. My Grandma thinks that every baby boys look like Dad and all baby girls look like Rhoda. I've always thought she was just nutty, but now I don't know I'm starting to see it. We all have the exact same nose. My grandma calls it the Lancaster nose. I love family resemblances they make me feel connected to my past.

Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

yes i see it. isn't it amazing?!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Oh my land! I DID NOT realize how much Levi looked like you until this...your baby pictures are spitting images. That does it...I'm digging out my baby pictures tonight to compare Natalee. I know she looks like me but we'll find out how much!