Friday, February 6, 2009

Pet Peeves

I know what your thinking, Corin remember the therapy. But the truth is I'm not particularly mad about these, there just on my mind so I thought I would list them.

  • When people don't do there job and create more work for others and they don't see the big deal. I mean do they think that magical fairies clean up these messes or what. This happened at work this morning. I wasn't the one left with the mess but I did try and help the girl who spent over an hour working on a problem someone else created.
  • Along this same line things left undone make me batty. Lights left on, food left out, phone messages un-returned. Partially these make me mad because then I feel like such a nag when I have to ask (repeatedly) for someone to do them. (not the lights and food, the messages and stuff mostly.)
  • When movie look one way in the previews and are actually totally different. Riding in Cars with Boys, comes to mind. Looked like a comedy in the preview, was very very not funny.
  • Having a stuffy nose. I would rather be throwing up then have a stuffy nose. It drives me crazy to have to breath through my mouth.

Okay that's all I can think of please let me know what annoys you. It's kind of fun to share them.

Granny update: She's still hanging on. She has outlasted all predictions, which doesn't surprise me, did I mention the spunk? Not much has changed she's stopped talking but will open her eyes and smile occasionally. There keeping her very comfortable. Thanks for all your prayer and Erin she's in Kirksville.

Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

glad to hear your grandma is still hanging on.

a pet peeve of mine is when people keep piling trash on top of trash in the trash can and won't take it out! so frustrating!!!

Andrea Frederick said...

I hope this coming week is a better one for you. Here's to starting fresh!