Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Huh, What'd ya say?

I'm cranky today. It's not because I spent yesterday cleaning up my son's bodily fluids, that actually wasn't that bad. He took very long naps and I got a lot of Gilmore Girls watching in. No, I think I just woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning. I have a cold which is forcing me to breath out of my mouth and I just hate that it makes me mad. I also can't hear anything, and have to keep asking people to repeat themselves. Which is annoying me and probably everyone around me too. I managed to only lash out at Steve twice before getting him off to work this morning. You may be thinking twice is a lot of times to lash out at your husband in a 2 hour period but I contained 90 percent of my angry outburst and apologized profusely for the 2 I couldn't contain. I hate that I take my frustration out on him. It just happens that he's usually the nearest person to me when I cranky. I know the second these things come out of my mouth that I shouldn't have said them but by then it's too late.
Anyway, here is hoping the rest of my day gets better and that all yours are going well. Bree I'm looking for someones smile to catch but so far I haven't seen anybody smiling today. Either my mood is catchy too or everyone else is stuck in coldsville with me.
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

:) SMILE!!!!

there you go corin:)
i hope your day gets better:)

Andrea Frederick said...

Well, I'm glad Levi is feeling better and you could go to work. I'm also glad to know when you're at home, b/c you don't blog:) I'm sorry you don't feel well. I have a huge issue with no breathing through the nose. It's like being suffocated to me...hence the addition to afrin:) Feel better soon!