Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What's Your Go To Meal?

When I read Erin's post about her plans for a menu, I was surprised when she said she had made mushroom steak so much lately. I would have never thought of that as a go to meal when I don't have anything else to fix. I don't know why it never occurred to me, I have all the ingredients in my kitchen on a given day and it is fast to make. I just never thought of it before. That got me thinking, what are other go to meals that I could have been making all this time? So, please let me know what are your go to meals when you forgot to plan for supper and you need something fast?

Spaghetti is my big go to meal. I can always fall back on it. In the winter Chili is also a go to meal, quick easy and delicious. The only problem with Chili is that I have a firm belief that you can only have Chili when the temperature is below about 40. Steve has tried for 7 years to talk me out of this but it just doesn't seem right to me. In the summer I like to make egg salad a lot. But I have sort of the same thinking on it as Chili only in reverse. Please let me know what other delicious dinners I could be fixing when I forget about supper entirely.
Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

we fall back on breakfast for supper a lot. eggs, bacon, biscuits & gravy, pancakes...
we also do the spaghetti thing. lately we've fallen into an awful frozen quickies thing--pizzas, chicken, etc., which is terrible considering i'm home all day right now!

Andrea Frederick said...

We often fall back on breakfast too, but another new favorite is strombolli (sp). Thaw out frozen bread dough, roll it out into a rectangle shape, and fill it with whatever you have...browned hamburger, ham, cheese, pepperonies, etc. Fold it over, brush on an egg white and sprinkle garlic....a whole meal! We love it!

Corin said...

I've had your strombolli it is really good. I make something similar but again I never thought about making it for a fall back meal.

Stacey and Ryan said...

Spaghetti or burritos or quesadillas