Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Watching History

Today was a historic day. This is the first time in my life that I knew something was historic as it happened. I watched election night and I suppose I knew that it was history, but today I could just feel the difference. I just knew that a change had occurred. I'm thankful. Thankful that I live in a country where anyone can accomplish there dreams. Thankful that I have a boss who lets me take time to watch history in the making. I will remember where I was today, as I watched the inauguration at work in front of my computer. I did not pick this President, but I am filled with hope that he will unite and lead us. I hope the excitement and momentum of this change will sweep us to do great things for ourselves and the world.
Congratulation President Obama!
Please lead us well and God be with you.
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

well put! isn't it cool to be a part of history for a change, instead of just "heariing" about it?

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I understand...there's a lot of things happening that I don't understand, and I too didn't pick this president, but I can't shut the TV off because I know that this is an important moment for our country and it is history in the making.

Andrea Frederick said...

i feel the same way. i also feel the need to make sure my kids understand and recognize the change b/c i think it will be neat far down the road. imagine when they're 80 and can remember the first black president!

Anita J. said...

It was an historic moment. I will always remember that my cousin knocked on the door like the UPS man RIGHT when Obama was in the middle of his oath. No kidding. And I got up and answered it instead of watching those last few seconds. Duh moment. But it was cold, it turned out to be my JuJu, and I have it on DVR, so we're good.

I had the kids watch it for school, too. Tomorrow they get to write about it.