Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cheap Entertainment

My son spent an hour last night climbing in and out of the kitchen chairs. He fell twice but that wouldn't keep him down for long. As soon as he could get back on his feet he was back at it. I'm not sure how I feel about his new found hobby. While it makes getting the dishes done a lot easier, I have this nagging feeling that I'm seconds away from a trip to the emergency room. Please don't judge my parenting. I don't let him stand on the chair or anything, but I pick my battle and I don't think keeping him out of the chair is worth the fight.
Side note: I'm getting my hair cut today for the first time in about 8 months. I'm going to someone new and I really hope that it turns out good. I'm always very nervous before I get my hair cut. It's my own fault if I wouldn't wait so long between getting it cut it wouldn't make me so nervous. So, If you see me in a hat in the near future you'll know what happened.
Thanks for reading.


Bree Shaw said...

good luck with the hair cut. i will be excited to see it on sunday. doing something drastic!!!

Bree Shaw said...

k, i meant to say "DO" instead of "DOING". so let me try that again....

do something drastic!!!

Andrea Frederick said...

Do you have AFLAC? Ha Ha...I think every mother of boys should! Good luck with the hair cut...can't wait to see it!

Erin said...

Good luck with the hair! It'll be fine I'm sure! I'm the same way about getting my changed. And I LOVE this background and layout...very cute!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I'm getting mine cut tomorrow, too. I have the same syndrome...get a cut, like it, leave said cut for 10 months, hate hair, get cut, repeat. I always say I'm going to go short then always chicken out...we'll see.

Oh, and Levi and the chair? Boys will be boys...but I might agree with Andrea--get AFLAC!