Monday, December 29, 2008

We Made Out Like Bandits!

We had a great Christmas this year. I got the best present of all, a healthy family. I was so worried about somebody getting sick over Christmas. (It seems like that always happens.) But thankfully we were all healthy, happy and spoiled this Christmas. So here is a brief recap of the events.

Christmas Eve: We went to my Grandma and Grandpa Lancaster for our Soup supper and then had a gift exchange. Levi got a guitar (oh yeah), a very soft blanket, and legos (that I'm sure he'll enjoy in 2 years when I let him play with them). I got a candle and a 30 minute meals cookbook that I've already picked out several recipes from.

Christmas morning: I got up and made cinnamon rolls, as is our Christmas tradition. Oh and by made I mean I popped open the tube and but them on a cookie sheet. Look out Martha Stewart. Then we opened our presents, which was very slow going because Levi wanted to play with the stuff he got not just push it aside and move to the next thing. I'm thinking next year maybe we should stretch the presents out before Christmas. Levi got a drum and instrument set, tons of very cute clothes, car keys, a see and say, and books about peeing and brushing his teeth (not in the same book). I got aprons and all seven seasons of the Gillmore Girls (Thank you Andrea for your gift and also the inspiration to my husband). Steve is probably rethinking his gift since now we have to watch at least one or two episodes a night. Which he figured out, it will take us two months to watch them all at that pace.
After a little last minute cooking it was off to my Grandma and Grandpa Dufur's for the day. We had a great lunch and then Levi and Steve had a nap. Levi got a little people Farm, more clothes (I swear he's going to be one well dressed boy) a steering wheel toy, a little gadget that sticks to the fridge and you put different parts of cars into it to make a match, and a crayon that's just right for little hands. After supper we all went home and crashed exhausted in our very messy house.
It was a great Christmas. I ate more sugar then should be legal, I got more presents then I deserved, and I cursed tamper proof packaging. I'm so sad it's over. I can't wait to do it again next year. I learned this year that, as an adult, Christmas is way more fun when you have kids.
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Andrea Frederick said...

Yay for Gilmore Girls...I might have to borrow a season and see what I think! I'm with you on the packaging...not sure how many times I said, "Can I borrow your knife? Take this to your dad. or my favorite Where's the phillips screwdriver!?" We had to unscrew two of Colby's gifts from the cardboard! Can't wait to get together....