Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Start Your Ovens!

After this week my oven and Okay my microwave too, are going to be exhausted. I'm making fudge and cookies for my work, Steve's work, and our neighbors. Then I'm making fudge, sweet potatoes, and sweet and sour meatballs to take to our Christmas dinner next week. I'm so proud of myself for being this motivated. I love baking it's just that I'm usually to lazy to do it.

Last Night we made (I have to give Steve credit for helping he is my designated stirrer):
Candy Bar Fudge
Oreo Cookie Bark
Brownie Crackles (These are what I made for Jenn)
Pumpkin Bread
More Candy Bar Fudge
Mint Butter Cookies
More Candy Bar Fudge
Christmas Morning:
Whipped Sweet Potatoes
Sweet and Sour Sauce

I know it seems strange but I have to schedule it or I'll lose my motivation and just watch Christmas movies instead. I'm going to be on a week long sugar buzz from all the sampling that is REQUIRED while baking. Here's hoping all goes well. If you need a sugar fix come on over, the smell walking in the door would do anybody. And if you want any of the recipes let me know.
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

i'd love the recipe for what you made me. they are delicious! i'll admit...they're almost gone and its not on account of i've been sharing with mike! thanks again for coming over and for the yummy treats!