Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So a couple of things I wanted to write about today and they are totally unrelated to anything.
First off, I love snow. I love that my office has a window so that I can sit here and watch it snow. And yes I am not looking forward to my drive home tonight, but until then I'm really enjoying sitting here and watching it snow while I listen to my Christmas music. When it snows it's sort of like getting a snow day. Usually there aren't very many phone calls and work just seems to take on a slower pace. I love it. It totally gets me in the mood to get some hot chocolate and curl up and watch it snow. I can remember when I was in college one night when it was snowing Sara and I went to the library and stood on the grates and watched it snow. On the grates it was nice and warm so you could stand there without freezing and enjoy the snow. Thanks for the fun memory Sara.
Secondly, I wanted to share some the the cute things that Levi is saying now.
He Says:
Come here
Good Girl
Be Good Girl
The last three he says to Winnie all the time, it's so cute. I just thought I would brag a little about how smart my boy is. He jabbers all the time and then looks at you waiting for a response. He's also getting really good at mimicking what you say. I guess that means it's time to start being careful what I'm modeling.
Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

and he mumbled out "jenn" the other day! i was impressed...

Andrea Frederick said...

Don't forget when he would mimic "Be Right Back" when Vance would say it! He's so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Corin, that is one of my honest-to-God all-time favorite memories. I loved it. A perfect moment when time stood still and we were in a living snow globe. Enjoy the snow!!! Love ya!