Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Our interview last night went great and I feel like we have finally found a very nice, dependable babysitter. She's a little old lady who treats all the kids like her grand kids. Her house is old and small but neat and clean. Her daughter helps her full time and a neighbor lady helps on occasion as well. I can't even tell you what a relief it is. I can finally start enjoying my Holiday season since I have this issue resolved. I have been so nervous about this that I have literally made myself sick. Now I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that Barb likes this woman also, so Jace and Levi can go there together. Thanks to everyone for your information and thoughts and prayers. And Thank You to Andrea for being my sounding board and listening to me complain and worry.
Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

that's great! take a breath and relax!

Andrea Frederick said...

I'm so glad. I know how nerveracking it can be! You're welcome....

Bree Shaw said...

glad you will be able to enjoy the holidays now.