Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

I can't believe this year is over already. I feel like it should just be getting started. I can't believe how much Levi has grown and changed. He's getting to be such a big boy. And he definitely has an opinion now. I love his personality but I'm not looking forward to the knock down drag outs that I know are coming. Okay enough reminiscing.
I'm on my own tonight because Steve has to work every New Years Eve. I'm looking forward to an evening of just me and Levi. Once he's in bed I'm planning to pop popcorn and watch Gilmore Girls until Steve gets home. I know that probably sounds really boring but I'm really excited about it. Doesn't say much for my expectations on New Years does it. Well I hope you all have a eventful evening. Write about it on your blogs so I can live vicariously through you. Have fun and be Save. I'll see ya next year.
Blessings to everyone in the year ahead.
Thanks for reading.


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I think it sounds wonderful. I have a hot date with Reba...Mike's going to see his Grandma...if he's back before midnight he can join my date! Have fun and enjoy the Gilmore Girls!

Andrea Frederick said...

I don't blame you one bit...sounds like a perfectly relaxing evening. I am going to a card party....and leaving my kids with a babysitter for the THIRD time in their whole my new house. Ahhhh!

Bree Shaw said...

happy new year to you too! we are having company and expecting to have lots of fun!