Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day Care Ughhh

So, I figured some of you maybe wondering what is happening on the child care front. Thought I better update you. Nothing is happening. Okay, that is not entirely true. We have gotten several names and I will get all excited about them only to call and find out that they have no openings. We have one very promising interview tonight and if it doesn't go well I don't know what I'm going to do. Most likely cry a lot. The lady we are meeting tonight watches the son of someone I work with and our babysitter Barb has an interview there Wed. to maybe put her son there.
This is my dream situation: We will meet this woman tonight and love her and feel comfortable with her. Then Barb will meet her Wed. night and love her. Then Levi and Jace (Barb's son) could go to the same sitter. Which I would love because then Levi would have a little friend. Not to mention, I'm sorry to say that I am a sheep in this department and it would be nice to know that someone whose opinion I trust also thought this babysitter was reliable.
So, for now we are still very much in limbo. I'll let you know how the interview goes.
Thanks for reading


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

I shall pray that the interview goes well...can't imagine how nerve racking this is!

Andrea Frederick said...

I have been thinking about you and started an email, but no time to finish it! Good luck tonight...I'm voting for your dream too!