Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I think there may be something seriously wrong with Levi.
The other night I was late getting supper ready and Levi does not wait to eat, so I decided I would just make him something fast. I made a pb and j and got him all set up to eat. He ate the first bite fine and then refused to eat the rest. He buttoned his little lips up and shock his head and pointed at other things on the table. No go. Levi eats everything, he gobbles up vegetables and scarfs down fruits. The one thing so far that he doesn't like: Peanut Butter. What is wrong with this kid. Everybody loves Peanut Butter, it's just un-American not to. I hope he grows out of this. I mean what am I going to send in his school lunch, if not Peanut Butter and Jelly. I think I had pb & j every school day from kindergarten through 8 Thru grade and a lot of days in high school. Strange child.
Thanks for reading


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

Check with Andrea about what she sends in Colby's...I believe something along the lines of mustard sandwiches...eewww. :) That is odd..maybe he'll grow into it.

Andrea Frederick said...

If levi has something wrong, than so do my kids. They WILL NOT eat pb&j. Emma loves pb, but only by itself. Neither one of my kids like mashed potatoes until just this year, but their eat wrinkly old prunes. Go figure.